Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lets talk Roots

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT)
7 “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. 8 They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.

We should all want to be like the trees mentioned in Jeremiah 17. These trees are stable and strong and have maturity. They are rooted.

These kind of trees provide living space for animals, fruit for nourishment, shade for rest, and resources to build. But none of those things would come forth without a deep root system. Good roots reach deep and create an anchor that is typically unseen. Its funny how the unseen things have so much affect on our life.  

Growing deep roots is not glamorous. It is typically done in obscurity. It's a process where motives get dealt with and character is formed. Root growing will not make the Olympic highlight reels anytime soon. I have been through many seasons of character/root growth and its rarely a super-happy-fun time.

Roots are not as evident as the part of the tree that we actually see. I spent some time in the Redwoods and was amazed at their majestic grandeur. Others can't always look into your life and see a deep healthy root system. Deep roots don't always come across in dynamic or exciting ways. I mean...anchors may make a great tattoo but they are not that exciting. Whens the last time you and your friends sat around talking about roots and anchors? Yup.

Roots show themselves in storms and crisis. Roots keep you grounded when everything around you is in chaos. God examines our root system when He looks at our lives. We tend to judge the outward.  God judges the inward. He can see your root system and knows if you have partnered with Him to allow them grow deeper.

I read up a little on root systems. In hard soil roots grow out horizontally but with softer soil roots grow down deep. We can help develop the type of soil our lives and hearts have when we are going through a growth process.

Hard hearts tend to push against the good work of God in our life, but embracing and yielding to His hand, though painful at times, can yield incredible results.

How is your root system?

How can you help them go deeper?

A word of advice that I have learned about roots.

Embrace the process. It's worth the price.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Breakups, Flowers, and Jesus

God really does know every facet of your heart. He knows what you are going through, how you think, and what what state of mind you are in. More importantly, He knows every detail of what is happening inside your heart. Sometimes it's hard for me to even know what is happening inside my heart but Jesus knows.

Let me tell you a story about a breakup, flowers, and Jesus. Back in the mid-nineties I was living in Texas and was involved in a college ministry that was seeing God do incredible things. We had about 400 college kids coming to our services. Our small groups, which we called life groups, were experiencing rapid growth. God was doing some really amazing things during this time.

Most of the students involved in this were from a more conservative background, but we were seeing God come in powerful ways and seeing changed lives with one encounter with Him. I was learning how God speaks and would often ask God to speak to me with a “word” when praying with someone. Our small group format looked this this: worship, discussion, and prayer and ministry times.

During one small group ministry time I asked the Lord for a “word” for a girl whose apartment we had been meeting at. I saw a very simple picture for her when I was praying. Jesus was giving her a white rose and I had the impression that He was asking to be her friend. During a group ministry time I gently shared the impression that I felt God had showed me with her.

Well, much to my dismay, she started bawling and quickly left the room. Some girls in the leadership team quickly followed her. This was a little Awkward. I was just trying to learn how to hear God speak and did not know if I had just completely offended her with what I shared. There is usually some risk when trying to grow in the things of God.

But, He does speak and He is speaking all the time. God said that His sheep will know his voice. He said the prophetic words are given to strengthen, encourage, and comfort his people. ( Do you realize that it is God's will for you to be strengthened, comforted, and encouraged?) Sometimes these words do not come in the form of picture or “word”. I don't know how many times that God has spoke to me from everyday conversation and at some point in a conversation you just know God is speaking through them. Anyway...back to my story.   

Well, the next day my lifegroup leader told me that I had really heard from God.  I had no idea of what had occurred when I had shared the word for that girl and was thinking I needed to apologize. He went on to share that earlier during the previous day this girls boyfriend, that she had hoped to marry, had broken up with her. He had done this by giving her a white rose and said that he just wanted to be friends. Wow….mindblown.  

That was the same picture that I had seen. Except it wasn't a breakup. It was Jesus standing with a white rose asking to be her friend. I had no idea. The picture and impression I had was not very strong. I was just stepping out in faith knowing God wants to speak to others to strengthen, encourage, and comfort.  She was wrecked by the word. Jesus saw the heartache and wanted to step in and be a friend to her during that time. Jesus, in one instance , said that I know you just lost the most important relationship in your life, but I want to come in and be that guy now. Simple. Powerful.

Jesus knows your heart. He knows what you are going through. He is always speaking. He wants to be your friend. Are you willing to be a vessel that he speaks through? Risk it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Secret Weddings and Walking...

I am going to attempt my shortest blog post ever…not an easy feat for me as I am long winded when I am on the keyboard.

So, my brother-in-law and my now sister-in-law got married in a secret ceremony this last week. No family was invited from either side, and it was small with a few folks there. They had been engaged for a long time, and I am super happy for them. They had been praying and planning for years, and upon good advice from outside Godly council they pulled the trigger. I think it was the perfect move, and now they can move into another phase of life.

It made me think of when I was single, and I had not been in a relationship for 13 years. That singleness was kind of a product of a semi “courtship culture” I had been exposed to and there were other reasons on my part. I had no plans to date anyone that had been divorced or had kids. Ha! The Lord had other plans for me, and I could not be happier in life now.

I was scared to death to get married and take on a family. Can you say…Vertical Learning Curve? If I had waited until I was ready….I would still be waiting. Most likely alone.
Which makes me think…. Sometimes God invites us into an opportunity, and will provide the grace we need to do it, but we have to step into it first. It would be nicer if He pushed us into it with a not-so-subtle angelic visitation. 

But, alas most of the time, (like 98.9%) He simply opens the door and says “Do you want to come in?”. Once we step through the door, the Grace is released as we need it. That has been my experience on a few major choices I have made in life. God loves to see sons and daughters make good choices.

What door is open for you now, and are you waiting for everything to line up perfectly?

God has always been faithful to stop me and let me know when I make the wrong decision. But when it is time for me to make a move…most of the time He waits for me to start walking it out, and then He empowers me on the journey.  

Pray, get Godly council, and then walk on.

Moses did it, and God provided all that he needed one step at a time.

Is it time for you to get walking?

P.S. This wasn’t so short was it?  ….but I typed it in less than 8 minutes! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Out Loud

(What I am writing here is elementary, and will not sound groundbreaking...but the transformation is in the doing) 
I started following Jesus at age 18 after having some radical encounters with God, and few months later I found myself in England in a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) due to my parents generosity. One of the first Bible verses that I ever memorized at this school was Romans 12:2.
(NIV) - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I really connected to this verse because my whole mindset, heart, and worldview had been flipped upside down in a matter of months. I think I have heard this verse, and sermons on this verse hundreds of times since then. Renewing the mind is a fundamental truth in growing in relationship with God.  Within the last year I feel like I have had a lot of breakthrough in this area of the renewed mind. I say this because during 2013 I encountered some really hard circumstances, but I noticed that there was a lot more emotional stability and peace during those times than I have ever experienced before. Basically, life and peace in these storms.

Joyce Meyers has a well known teaching on the renewed mind, and she talks about we all have “tapes” that play in our heads. A “tape” being series of thoughts that repeat over and over again in our minds. We all have them…and they typically not good.

“You are unattractive, and no one is ever going to marry you.”
“You’re too old and life has passed you by to do anything significant.”
“God just puts up with you, you are barely getting by, He doesn’t really Love you.”
“This cycle you are in is never going to change, you are stuck!”

Do any of these ring a bell? There are a many different varieties, and we hear them all the time. The enemy loves these “tapes” because they rob us of our true identity in Christ. The enemy desires us to be failure and sin focused, and he will be do whatever it takes to keep us from a “life” mindset. A “life” mindset is a renewed mindset, given by the Spirit, that leads to life and peace. (See Romans 8)

What does it mean to have the mind of the Spirit that is discussed in Romans chapter 8? God states that the mind set on the Spirit will lead to life and peace, and that what most of us crave...true life and peace. But we all don't experience it even though there is free access because of the work of Jesus. I am the kind of guy who wants to know how to live that out and experience it.

Obviously getting into the Word, listening to the Word being taught, and developing a prayer life are foundational to the renewed mind, but I learned another practice last year that helped renew my mind with drastic results.

There is something powerful about speaking out loud and living with an attitude of gratefulness. ( I teach my attitude of gratitude) There is something about saying truth out loud that brings a shift.
(Just think about how your day goes when you do into work and start complaining out loud...there is a shift)
The enemy is the “father of lies” and our Heavenly Father gives only truth. We need our minds to be rebooted and programed with truth. The truth of a Father who loves us and really is on our side and wants the best for you.

So, whenever I hear a lie now I speak Gods truth in its place and speak it OUT LOUD until I start to believe it. This may or may not yield instant results (I have seen immediate breakthrough) but it is powerful.

Create a new truth tape. Example:
Lie - “I feel insignificant at my job and I am a nobody”
Out Loud Truth - “ Father I thank you my significance comes from you and I thank you for a job to provide for the family!”

Basically, I am that guy driving to work in the morning talking out loud in my Dave Ramsey old Honda Accord. Here is what that looks like:

“I don’t know what is happening right now, but I know I can trust You and You have me in your hand”
“I thank you that the best years of my life are ahead of me and not behind me…you have plans for me!”

Some days I will literally discipline myself to be thankful for ten things, and speak these out loud, early in the morning...shifting mindsets. Hopefully, you get the idea and these statements in themselves are simple and elementary.

Here is the key. Doing It. Like NIKE. The transformed mind comes in doing it on a consistent basis. Again, the key to this is to actually put it into action. (James 2)

Life happens and storms are guaranteed to come, but I have found speaking truth out loud laced with a heavy dose of thankfulness has made all the difference in the world. Our emotions would seek to rule us with those little “tapes” that always play.

Truth out has had a huge impact in my life, and I hope it does yours.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I lost my Passion...

I recently took 3 months off from mountain biking which is a sport that I absolutely love. Near the end of last year life got real busy and time did not allow for it. I recently started riding again and I realized I had a little revelation.

Before I took this 3 month break I was riding a pretty decent level and I was pretty solid cardio condition. Now, I wasn’t going to win any races, but I could go out on some respectable trails and throw down 15 to 20 miles with no problem. I was riding with some guys who were much better than me, and they always pushed me to another level of riding. (That is a lesson for another time)
But I had a small revelation the other day. In the midst of getting in good shape and riding hard… I had lost the original passions for why I started mountain biking in the first place. The reasons where simple and consisted of three things:

  • The love of the outdoors, sun, fresh air, and amazing scenery of the Sonoran desert. Sun and scenery can do amazing things for your outlook and mental health.
  • I love biking, and I always have. When I was growing up, I always had a bike and bikes were always a part of my life. I love the adrenaline that comes with the risk factor of mountain biking.
  • Getting in shape is the third reason, and it was actually a byproduct of doing something that I love. When I started riding again, sometime in 2010, I was much heavier than I am now. When riding became a lifestyle, the weight start dropping off.

Now, here is the kicker. I did not start mountain biking to get in shape. I started biking because it made me feel alive again and gave me the opportunity to get outdoors. But over time, I got better and started using GPS applications to track my times on different trails. I got faster and posted some respectable trail times and slowly riding became a bit more competitive. I would then compare my times and distance with others I was following using this GPS app.  This was all fine and good….but I lost the passion along the way…and IT STARTED TO FEEL LIKE A JOB OR A TASK TO COMPLETE! There is a nothing wrong with that, and I am not afraid of hard work. But the passion was left in the dust. (pun intended)

I realized this when I started riding again after my 3 month break. I decided to go back the core reason of “Why” I started riding in the first place. I am not riding again to beat any records or prove anything to anyone. I am riding again because I love being outdoors, I love riding bikes, and love the benefits of being in shape.

Now when I ride, I am going to stop to gaze at beautiful scenery (instead of pumping out 15 miles nonstop) and take out my smart phone and take pictures. (Photography is another thing I love…bundle pack bonus!) I guess this is the modern day digital equivalent to “smelling the roses”. 

So, I share all this with you to ask you one simple question; what is something you used to be passionate about that has now become work? How can you find a way back to your original passion?
(Hint: Discover why you were passionate about it in the first place, and go dig the why up)

Sometimes hitting reset in your thinking is all you need. Reboot the old hard drive. Here is the truth. If I keep riding because I am passionate about it I will ride as a lifestyle and therefore, enjoy the benefits of being in shape. If riding becomes a task or more will not be my "go to" for relaxation as a lifestyle. I already work enough...I don't need any more. 

Much Love….Keep living…I’ll keep peddling. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Wheel of Life and the New Year....

So 2014 is here and upon us! Wow. Do you have any Goals or Plans for the new year? This is the time of year that I usually take an inventory and map out where I am headed. It helps to get some focus and direction at the start of the year. When I was growing up my dad used to say "If you aim at'll hit it." It helps to have a little map when you are on a journey...I like not to be aimless. My wife appreciates it also.

For the last several years I felt like like God has given me a theme for that year. A few years ago He told me it was a Year to Dig my Own Well. Last year it was the Year of Preparation. This year I feel like he is saying it is the Year of Growth.

(Side note - a few years earlier when I felt it was the Year of being a Male Model...I kind of missed that one. Yup.....actually totally missed it.) That was a joke....everyone knows I am a foot model.

Personally, I have found that I do much better and stay on track when I keep things simple. I also like to make goals as practical, measurable, and attainable as possible. (Google SMART goals) I also don't try the "take over the world in one year" approach like I used must learn to pace yourself.
So, this last year I stumbled onto a really cool tool that has helped me map out things a little better. It provides a larger "blank map" to look at all the important aspects our our life. I discovered it on the Dave Ramsey Entree Leadership Podcast (which is awesome) and it is called the Wheel of Life and was developed by Zig Ziglar.

The Wheel of Life

It is a simple circular chart that covers all the major areas of our life. Simple, but very helpful. It has helped me get a good set of goals and has made me aware of areas that I may be ignoring. Let me share a few tips that helped me when using this tool.

Some years you may focus on some areas more than others and that is OK. Also, some areas will flow and tie into others because they are interconnected. For example, this year I am going back to school to complete my degree in Management. So, this year the Intellectual, Career and Financial goals are going to largely consist of obtaining this degree. About five years ago we got debt free and a good part of that year was focused on the Financial. The last couple years I have been focused on ministry and the Spiritual area had a primary role.

Some goals will remain the same once you have a healthy balance in that area. This year my Physical goals will remain the same, going to the gym twice a week and mountain biking once a week. Spending daily time in the Word and in prayer since it has become a Spiritual habit. get the idea. There may be an area or two of your life that needs the be the primary focus for this year.

Keep in mind while you may be focused more in one area than another none of these areas can be ignored without eventually catching up to you. I would strongly encourage you to have a goal for each of these matter how small.

Take a look at the Wheel of Life in and start to write your goals. As you look at each of these areas pray through it and ask the Lord what He is saying to you. You'll be amazed that if you just ask, listen, and write what you will find.

This year is going to be good. Map out the land and then start walking.

It will be Christmas again before you know it.

If you want a Word document of the Wheel of Life provide me your e-mail and I will send it to you. I won't send you extra stuff and will respect your privacy.

Additional Resource from Zig Ziglar - Wheel of Life Goal Planning

Monday, January 6, 2014

What I wish I knew at Twenty...

So, I am about to turn forty this year (Aug 24th - I love tattoo $) and I am ready. I am serious...bring it on...I feel I have yet to peak...don't judge. I have a little more wisdom than I used to have....I have a family which I love... and more peace and happiness. More stress....but better able to cope. So.... I had this daydream the other day. What would I say to my twenty year old self that had just started walking with God?

 Here are my thoughts from 39 year old Michael to the young buck.

1) You don't have to figure your whole life out in the next few years. (Read START by Jon Acuff) Your spending too much time and energy trying to figure out the rest of your life and how that lines up with God's will. An incredibly small percentage of people in their early twenties have a clear "life path" that they stay with. Your heart is in the right place, but your are paralyzing yourself with the fear of making a wrong life decision. Concentrate on seeking and knowing God, building friendships, serving, and developing strong character. If these things are a priority then the rest will fall into line. These are the things that are going to last no matter where you go or what direction your life and career take you.

2) Learn to understand Grace and what that really looks like lived out in your life. Grace is something that you will be learning and living the rest of your life. But, having a foundation of Grace will allow you to actually enjoy your relationship with God. If you constantly feel you are not doing enough and don't measure up no matter how much you spend time with God or serve... this is an issue. You don't have to constantly prove yourself to God and experience all these extreme emotional valleys and mountain tops. He really loves you. accepts you, and sent Jesus to bring you into an awesome relationship. Quit striving to do all these works to prove you are a radical disciple to Him and everyone else. Learn to receive His love and to rest in Grace.

3) Mike, you never really applied yourself in school and were not a great student. So, don't think just because you now have a relationship with God that overnight you should be an "A" student and all those bad habits are going to fall away overnight. Learn how to build on a series of small wins and get some of those under your belt. You'll do alright. 

4) Don't be afraid of making money. It does not make you more spiritual to be barely scraping by. Yes, I know you see the error of the prosperity gospel, but your overreaction to that message is only hindering you. There are those who really love God that depend on me for the next dollar and others that are rich with plenty. Money is in the attitude of the heart. Don't pigeonhole God.

5) Start giving your money and tithing. You think you are this spiritual leader and lover of God. You have yet to yield your finances to God. This area of your life is a mess and you have not allowed Him into it. He wants to set you free and bless you and bring you into a deeper level of trust with Him. You deceive yourself to think you are super spiritual and have no trust in this area of life.