Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the Drivers Seat

Well look at that. I came across my old blog today and realized that I haven't posted since 2008. Had to blow off some cobwebs and then decided to fire this bad boy up again. Time to get back in the DRIVERS SEAT. Speaking of the drivers seat it kind of makes me think of a crutch.....let me explain.

Have you ever heard the old cliche' of God being your crutch. I have....I had a work associate years ago say I needed God as a crutch... and then he immediately apologized because he thought he offended me. He didn't. The truth of the matter is that the more I walk in this journey with God the more I discover a simple truth. Simplicity. A mentor of mine tells me the more he grows and matures in God, the simpler things become. It seems maturity in this relationship with God goes in cycles where I keep going back to the basics.... When you come back to the basics there is a new discovery and some beautiful hidden truth that was there before, but lay undiscovered. There was a book once written called Freedom of Simplicity and that sounds about right. Which takes these thoughts full circle again to talk about the crutch.

The older I get and the more I walk on knowing the Sovereign One - Jesus. The more I realize that I don't need Him as a crutch....and more important He doesn't want you to use Him as a crutch. When you use a crutch you are using it as a tool to facilitate movement with your remaining strength. There is still some of you involved ( see where I am going) Remember the other name of Jesus that always pops up around Christmas time? Emmanuel - which means God with Us. Amazing. He is with us and doesn't want us to use him as a crutch. He said the WORK that you have to do is BELIEVE. Do you know the Amplified Translation says in Galatians 2:16?

....through faith and [absolute] reliance on and adherence to and trust in Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)

Absolute reliance is what I we are asked to have in our faith. In the big things (money, relationships, job, future, health issues, life and death) and the small things (good nights sleep, typing a blog post, buying a gift). These are fundamental truths that we will continually learn till the day we die. I think the point is to let our level of trust to get to the place where we allow Him to take the Drivers Seat. Forget the crutch.

I was praying for a person one time and they were trying so hard to get all of their ambitions done and goals moving forward towards completion. I felt God was saying to her that He was asking her to get out of the drivers seat and sit in the back and let Him drive... and that's not easy...especially when we are wired to want to call the shots.

I don't need a crutch....thank you very much. I need a wheelbarrow with me in it and Jesus pushing me along. Total trust, Him calling the shots, driving the car, taking me to the other side ..... and I am not there yet, but I am ready for the freedom that comes with trusting instead of worrying. How about you? You don't need no stinking crutch