Monday, January 20, 2014

The Wheel of Life and the New Year....

So 2014 is here and upon us! Wow. Do you have any Goals or Plans for the new year? This is the time of year that I usually take an inventory and map out where I am headed. It helps to get some focus and direction at the start of the year. When I was growing up my dad used to say "If you aim at'll hit it." It helps to have a little map when you are on a journey...I like not to be aimless. My wife appreciates it also.

For the last several years I felt like like God has given me a theme for that year. A few years ago He told me it was a Year to Dig my Own Well. Last year it was the Year of Preparation. This year I feel like he is saying it is the Year of Growth.

(Side note - a few years earlier when I felt it was the Year of being a Male Model...I kind of missed that one. Yup.....actually totally missed it.) That was a joke....everyone knows I am a foot model.

Personally, I have found that I do much better and stay on track when I keep things simple. I also like to make goals as practical, measurable, and attainable as possible. (Google SMART goals) I also don't try the "take over the world in one year" approach like I used must learn to pace yourself.
So, this last year I stumbled onto a really cool tool that has helped me map out things a little better. It provides a larger "blank map" to look at all the important aspects our our life. I discovered it on the Dave Ramsey Entree Leadership Podcast (which is awesome) and it is called the Wheel of Life and was developed by Zig Ziglar.

The Wheel of Life

It is a simple circular chart that covers all the major areas of our life. Simple, but very helpful. It has helped me get a good set of goals and has made me aware of areas that I may be ignoring. Let me share a few tips that helped me when using this tool.

Some years you may focus on some areas more than others and that is OK. Also, some areas will flow and tie into others because they are interconnected. For example, this year I am going back to school to complete my degree in Management. So, this year the Intellectual, Career and Financial goals are going to largely consist of obtaining this degree. About five years ago we got debt free and a good part of that year was focused on the Financial. The last couple years I have been focused on ministry and the Spiritual area had a primary role.

Some goals will remain the same once you have a healthy balance in that area. This year my Physical goals will remain the same, going to the gym twice a week and mountain biking once a week. Spending daily time in the Word and in prayer since it has become a Spiritual habit. get the idea. There may be an area or two of your life that needs the be the primary focus for this year.

Keep in mind while you may be focused more in one area than another none of these areas can be ignored without eventually catching up to you. I would strongly encourage you to have a goal for each of these matter how small.

Take a look at the Wheel of Life in and start to write your goals. As you look at each of these areas pray through it and ask the Lord what He is saying to you. You'll be amazed that if you just ask, listen, and write what you will find.

This year is going to be good. Map out the land and then start walking.

It will be Christmas again before you know it.

If you want a Word document of the Wheel of Life provide me your e-mail and I will send it to you. I won't send you extra stuff and will respect your privacy.

Additional Resource from Zig Ziglar - Wheel of Life Goal Planning

Monday, January 6, 2014

What I wish I knew at Twenty...

So, I am about to turn forty this year (Aug 24th - I love tattoo $) and I am ready. I am serious...bring it on...I feel I have yet to peak...don't judge. I have a little more wisdom than I used to have....I have a family which I love... and more peace and happiness. More stress....but better able to cope. So.... I had this daydream the other day. What would I say to my twenty year old self that had just started walking with God?

 Here are my thoughts from 39 year old Michael to the young buck.

1) You don't have to figure your whole life out in the next few years. (Read START by Jon Acuff) Your spending too much time and energy trying to figure out the rest of your life and how that lines up with God's will. An incredibly small percentage of people in their early twenties have a clear "life path" that they stay with. Your heart is in the right place, but your are paralyzing yourself with the fear of making a wrong life decision. Concentrate on seeking and knowing God, building friendships, serving, and developing strong character. If these things are a priority then the rest will fall into line. These are the things that are going to last no matter where you go or what direction your life and career take you.

2) Learn to understand Grace and what that really looks like lived out in your life. Grace is something that you will be learning and living the rest of your life. But, having a foundation of Grace will allow you to actually enjoy your relationship with God. If you constantly feel you are not doing enough and don't measure up no matter how much you spend time with God or serve... this is an issue. You don't have to constantly prove yourself to God and experience all these extreme emotional valleys and mountain tops. He really loves you. accepts you, and sent Jesus to bring you into an awesome relationship. Quit striving to do all these works to prove you are a radical disciple to Him and everyone else. Learn to receive His love and to rest in Grace.

3) Mike, you never really applied yourself in school and were not a great student. So, don't think just because you now have a relationship with God that overnight you should be an "A" student and all those bad habits are going to fall away overnight. Learn how to build on a series of small wins and get some of those under your belt. You'll do alright. 

4) Don't be afraid of making money. It does not make you more spiritual to be barely scraping by. Yes, I know you see the error of the prosperity gospel, but your overreaction to that message is only hindering you. There are those who really love God that depend on me for the next dollar and others that are rich with plenty. Money is in the attitude of the heart. Don't pigeonhole God.

5) Start giving your money and tithing. You think you are this spiritual leader and lover of God. You have yet to yield your finances to God. This area of your life is a mess and you have not allowed Him into it. He wants to set you free and bless you and bring you into a deeper level of trust with Him. You deceive yourself to think you are super spiritual and have no trust in this area of life.