I am going to attempt my shortest blog post ever…not an easy
feat for me as I am long winded when I am on the keyboard.
So, my brother-in-law and my now sister-in-law got married
in a secret ceremony this last week. No family was invited from either side,
and it was small with a few folks there. They had been engaged for a long time,
and I am super happy for them. They had been praying and planning for years,
and upon good advice from outside Godly council they pulled the trigger. I
think it was the perfect move, and now they can move into another phase of
It made me think of when I was single, and I had not been in a
relationship for 13 years. That singleness was kind of a product of a semi “courtship
culture” I had been exposed to and there were other reasons on my part. I had
no plans to date anyone that had been divorced or had kids. Ha! The Lord had other
plans for me, and I could not be happier in life now.
I was scared to death to get married and take on a family.
Can you say…Vertical Learning Curve? If I had waited until I was ready….I would
still be waiting. Most likely alone.
Which makes me think…. Sometimes God invites us into an opportunity,
and will provide the grace we need to do it, but we have to step into it first.
It would be nicer if He pushed us into it with a not-so-subtle angelic visitation.
But, alas most of the time, (like 98.9%) He simply opens the door and says “Do
you want to come in?”. Once we step through the door, the Grace is released as
we need it. That has been my experience on a few major choices I have made in
life. God loves to see sons and daughters make good choices.
What door is open for you now, and are you waiting for everything
to line up perfectly?
God has always been faithful to stop me and let me know when
I make the wrong decision. But when it is time for me to make a move…most of
the time He waits for me to start walking it out, and then He empowers me on
the journey.
Pray, get Godly council, and then walk on.
Moses did it, and God provided all that he needed one step
at a time.
Is it time for you to get walking?
P.S. This wasn’t so short was it? ….but I typed it in less than 8 minutes!