Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kingdom and Politics has been awhile since I have last made a post. I had this great desire to post all during the pre-election process but I never got around to it. I have many thoughts about all that...politics that is. About four years ago I was very opinionated about politics and did not hesitate to debate my ideas with anyone who wanted some good discussion. I was not rude, I listened to others out of respect, but I felt passionate about what I believed. I called my best friend from college and started talking politics....I got shut down. He said he valued relationship with me more than discussing politics... which is so many times divisive. Slightly confused (I was sure he believed that same ideologies as me) I allowed the conversation to shift...Quite frankly at that point in my life I was allowing those political differences to really get to me, and change the way I looked at people. No major revelation...just a simple I VALUE RELATIONSHIP OVER MY OPINION.
I still voted and I still do vote. Don't think I am advocating inaction...I think it is important that we have this privilege. We can have a bloodless revolution every four years. Amazing. So the way I approached it this year was to educate myself, pray, fast, and vote. I did my best not to take the bait when politics was brought up. For me this election season was radically different than the past. I did not stress, get mad, become a hater, feel self-righteous, or loose any sleep. All of which I had in the past. I did not sell out or did not back down. I just shifted my priorities to reflect the true government of which I follow.
TRUE GOVERMENT. I have submitted my self to a true government one ruled by a mighty King who is a great leader because He was a great servant. I am a representative of that Kingdom. It is around us all the time....sometimes it's reality invades our reality and it becomes apparent that we live in a shadow image of the real. I believe we have a responsibility to govern wisely and to make sound judgement....but one day the real Wise Governing and True Sound Judgement will be upon us. He came once as the humble servant King of Mankind. Showing us true love so he could win us for himself....a Love story indeed. The first guy to enter this Kingdom was a thief being killed for his crimes.....Showing us all the gates are open and we can walk into this Kingdom. He took a man who used to hunt down and kill his followers to write about this way of life in the Kingdom and give us new Scripture.
Someone is reading this right now and you are having a reaction to the Kingdom talk I just mentioned. That is because you think the Kingdom of God is the spirit of religion...the same spirit that tried to kill the King. (He only died by his own choosing) Jesus only got mad when he encountered this religious spirit. Religion...putting a weight on people to earn arrogant you don't recognize God in your midst...self righteous and blind to your own condition.
The work of God is to BELIEVE. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you truth....He will. You don't know me or the journey I have been on, but I can tell you that He did that for me ...over and over. He would do the same for you. One day...all the kingdoms of this world will be shown to be the KINGDOM of God. All the revolution, truth, justice, equality, love, peace, passion, desire, and dancing joy we all want will be made manifest. I VOTE FOR THAT! Much love....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An excellent article, Michael! I agree with you and can't wait until God establishes His kingdom in the hearts and minds of people and on earth. Let us press on to know the Lord for as surely as the dawn he will come! Preach the gospel and be instant in season and out of season.