Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Live in the Moment

      Do you know for so many years of my life I lived for another day? I remember years of my life spent wishing my location, circumstances, or relationships were different. Either looking back to what was...or looking forward to what I wish it would be. 
  • When I was in my young teens and my Father was stationed in Germany ... I wished I was back in the USA.
  • When we moved back from Germany and I was sent to a private Christian High School - I wished I was back in Germany with my friends
  • When I was in College - I wish I had more "alternative/artsy" Christian friends
  • When I moved to "alternative/artsy" Portland, Oregon - I wished I was back in Texas with my strong Christian friends
It seemed I was always looking back to what I once had (even though I complained when I was there) or I was looking forward to what I wished life would become. I spent so many years not stewarding the moment and relationships that God had me living in. When I lived in Portland I did not value the friendships that I had in my life because of religious (rule based) mindsets and strongholds in my thinking. Religion sets unrealistic expectations on ourselves and those around us and it has a tendency to ruin relationships. 

 God has people in your life right now. Maybe these relationships are not the easiest and maybe they do not flow naturally...but God can use the most interesting situation and people to mold our lives and hearts. Perspective may come years later when you look back and see God's hand forming you through those relationships that did not seem fun or easy. 

Or maybe you live with extreme mindsets like I once did...
  • Instead of "I am going to become a better musician" - It became "I am going to buy all the instruments a whole band would have and buy recording equipment and record my own music and become famous."
  • Instead of "I am really going to start trying to spend some time with the Lord every day." - It became .. "I am going to fast to seven days and then commit to spend an hour a day getting up at 5:30am to seek the Face of God."
  • Or maybe when you Sin you have a tendency to go big - I remember when I fell into sin and took a drink - It turned into 2 drinks and then 3 drinks then smoking a joint...and then nine months later I would wake up from a nine month hazy dream...I am not kidding
This mindset is the unhealthy version of living in the moment. We get deceived that radical actions will propel us to a new place in life or offer some relief or escape. That is not the case. God has a balanced and healthy life for us but we have to hear His voice and follow His leading. These extreme mindsets can bring us to a place of chaos if we don't discern the hearts motive when giving into them. That is not living in the moment... that is living in the flesh...and it is a mindset of death. 

God has you in certain situations right now that you cant stand. He has relationships in your life that are less than ideal. Maybe instead of wishing we were in another time in our lives or looking to a place in the future that is not here yet...we should live in the moment. With a mind set on the Spirits leading. 

You want to get a salad today for lunch...go walking tonight. 

You want to get married...concentrate on building healthy relationships with both sexes...get involved in a singles group..this week. 

You want to know God more...spend some time in the Word today...take some time and ask to hear His

You want to get your finances in order....Go buy Dave Ramsey's Extreme Money Makeover it tonight.

Do you get the point? If you steward today well and then focus on stewarding tomorrow you will start to live the full life that God has in store for you. I learned this when walking out of addiction to take one day at time. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Make the change you want today... one baby step at a time. Hang with the friends you have today. Call someone and ask if you can pray with them today. What happens when we steward well? We form habits that lead to living a full life regardless of circumstances that don't change. We start becoming the people we always wanted to be. 

I have tried to start to steward each day ... and I have seen the Lord bless me with those days I always longed for. They do not look exactly like I thought they would.. but they are full of the fruit of the Spirit and His Goodness. 

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